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7 Dec 2020

Christmas Past

Author: brownie1201 | Filed under: Uncategorized

Kenzie, Max, Sassy, and I are wishing everyone a Merry Christmas! This Christmas will be bitter sweet.  I am excited that this will be Kenzie’s first Christmas!  I can’t wait to see how excited she will be when she finds her stocking full of goodies! However, with some of the things she has done, it should be full of coal.  lol.  But I am also feeling a lot of emotion, because this will be the first Christmas without Brownie since 2008.  Brownie loved Christmas!  When the tree and the stockings went up, he knew what was coming, and he definitely knew who Santa Clause was!

Christmas 2017



Christmas 2018 (sorry video is a little dark).  I can’t believe just two months later he would be diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, and our life would be turned upside down.  But thanks to this amazing community we made it through.sp_hearticon2



2019 was Brownie’s last Christmas.  Due to the cancer, and the senior issues Brownie was having, I knew it would be, so I tried to make it special.  He was a happy boy Christmas morning when he saw how full his stocking was, and of course the traditional turkey.

Christmas 2019

Brownie had the same stocking since 2008.  Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without it.  So this year it hangs on his nook.


We are Wishing Everyone a safe and Merry Christmas! We hope all your pet’s stockings are full of goodies this year!


3 Responses to “Christmas Past”

  1. benny55 Says:

    Sich sweet memories of your Happy boy. He definitely loves Christmas ♥️ And clearly he and Santa have a great relationship!

    I think you shoild leave Brownie’s adorable Christmas stocking up all year. Then again….Kenzie would probably pull it down and chew it up!
    Love his Christmas 2019 picture….a very happy boy!

    Lots of love
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  2. yourcdw Says:

    What a lovely post. We have stockings for all of our dogs. My first dog Gia, who passed away in 2012, has her stocking hung with the rest. Caswell passed away this year and his stocking is up as well. The stockings are just for decoration, but its a wonderful reminder every year when it comes out of the box.

  3. jerry Says:

    Oh thank you so much for sharing Christmas cheer! Yeah, it’s going to be a bittersweet holiday that’s for sure. But I know that our angels are going to make sure we celebrate in all the best ways to remember the good times and not dwell on the sad ones. They are so good at that!

    I vote that Kenzie gets a get-out-of-jail-free card this year! She’s so new at living the good life, she will figure this out by this time in 2021!

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