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5 Mar 2023


Author: brownie1201 | Filed under: Uncategorized

Hi Everyone!  It’s me Brownie! Today is my 3rd year angelversary. Can you believe I have been on Rainbow Bridge for Three Years?  Yep, I sure have.

The last thing I remember is I wasn’t feeling well.  My mom took me to that building that I do not like. We went into a room and mom sat on the floor next to me.  Then that man wearing the white coat came in.  He put something in my leg and the next thing I knew I was here at Rainbow Bridge.

When I arrived, I was first instructed to go over to the gate.  That is where I met a GSD dog named Jerry.  He is the gatekeeper.  I was so confused.  Jerry, where am I and where is my mom? Hi Brownie, your journey has ended and it is time for you to come home.  But it is not a bad thing, coming home is a beautiful thing! Jerry told me once I go through the gate it is like magic. The old are young, the sick are well, the blind can see, the deaf can hear, all are whole, and most of all, the homeless and unloved are now home and forever loved.  So, as Jerry said I hopped through the gate. Jerry was right! It was like magic! I felt like a pup again.  I was jumping up and down on four with excitement.  I couldn’t believe it! Jerry held his head up and laughed out loud. Jerry then told me I needed to go check in.

So, I went to check in and that is where I met a dog named Happy Hannah. She greeted me with a big smile!  Happy Hannah, I am confused. Jerry told me I was home but where is my mom? I never go anywhere without my mom. We are never apart. Oh Brownie, it is not time for your mom to come home. But if you close your eyes and think really hard with your heart you will be able to see your mom.  So, I did as Hannah said, and  yes, I could see my mom! But it made me sad. Mom was sitting on the couch with Sassy and Max and water was coming out of her eyes.  I knew I had  to put a plan together. It took awhile but then she was born. A pup now named Kenzie.  I just knew she would be perfect!

Now, Kenzie does get herself into a bit of trouble, but that is ok.  I used to get in a lot of trouble too,  but I turned out to be the best dog in the world! I know it’s true because my mom told me so. Sometimes my friends and I will jump over to cloud nine and watch mom chasing after Kenzie.  It is so funny we just laugh our tails off!  I know my mom still misses me and thinks of me every day.  I can still hear her whispering in my ear, “I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you always.” But when I see my mom laughing, dancing, and playing with Kenzie I know she is going to be just fine.  My plan worked perfectly! I thanked Happy Hannah and she shared some deer poop with me. I started yawning because I was feeling tired from this journey. Hannah pointed over to a little dog and told me to go talk to her. She will show you the best places to take a nap.

I walked over to this tree where I met a little dog named Pug Maggie.  Hi Pug Maggie, I was told you could show me the best place to take a nap.  Absolutely Brownie!  That is my job. I show all the newcomers the best place to nap.  It is a very important job I have because so many are so tired when they first come home.  Follow me said Pug Maggie. I followed Pug Maggie and she took me to a beautiful place. The pasture was so green.  There was a body of water that was so blue.  I have never seen water that blue and there was a tree that was so tall I couldn’t even see the top.  Pug Maggie and I snuggled up against the tree and took a nap.  It was the best nap I have ever had, even though Pug Maggie snores a little.  But that is ok, so does my mom.

I was awoken by this bouncing sound.  What is that?  There I saw a very strong looking dog with a shiny black coat bouncing a ball. He looked like a Warrior.  He was wearing something around his neck but it wasn’t a collar. It made me curious. I just had to find out what it was.  I walked up and introduced myself. Hi I’m Brownie.  In a very kind voice he said, Hi Brownie, my name is Nitro. Nitro, what is that around your neck? This is my necklace.  It is the same necklace my mom has worn everyday since I came home. When my mom touches her necklace and thinks of me at the same time I am touching my necklace and thinking of her. Even though we are apart we are always together. What Nitro said made me smile because I know My mom and I will always be together.  Nitro also showed me a whistle he wears. Why do you have a whistle Nitro? Well Brownie,  I am the athletic director here on Rainbow Bridge.   I am always looking for new athletic dogs. How about you Brownie? I held my head down in shame. Well Nitro, I have never been the athletic type but I have a heck of a nose.  If you ever lose anything just let me know and I will find it. My mom used to always get lost at the dog park and I would find her every time. Nitro laughed, and said I certainly will.

A brown dog walked up and introduced himself. Hi, my name is Mitchell. But everyone calls me “Sweet Mitchell.” I just came over to get Nitro, we have a soccer game. I love to play ball.  One of my most favorite things to do was to play ball with my grandpa. Hey Brownie, do you play, Mitchell asked. No, but I would love to watch. Nitro and Mitchell told me I was invited anytime to watch the soccer game. They made me feel so welcomed.

I have met many friends since I arrived at Rainbow Bridge. One day I was walking through the pasture just enjoying its beauty and all the smells. Then, I looked over and there she was. What a big beauty! I just had to meet her. I decided to play it cool and mosey over and introduce myself. I have to admit, I was very nervous. Hi there!  My name is Brownie. In such a sweet voice she replied, Hi , my name is Roane. What are you doing Roane? Well, I am just hanging out and chasing frogs. Chasing frogs? But why? Because it’s fun.  On days Jerry is not busy at the gate we will chase frogs for hours. To be honest I just didn’t get it, but I stuck around so I could get to know Roane better.

Then wouldn’t you know, as soon as I was getting to know Roane I heard Wyatt calling me.  Wyatt always has such perfect timing!  People think I am vocal, they should hear Wyatt! Wyatt came home a short time after me. It turns out that Jerry and Wyatt have the same humans and both of them traveled all over the United States in an RV to help tripawds everywhere. Those two are always up to something. Since Wyatt came home, he stands on one side of the gate and Jerry stands on the other.  Wyatt put me on the welcome committee. I pass out cookies to the newcomers. It is a very hard job because I want to eat all the cookies. But Wyatt said we have to share and he knew I could do it.   Wyatt started calling me, again! I excused myself from Roane and let her know I needed to get in the welcome line but I would be back. Bye Brownie, Roane said in that sweet voice.  

I just wanted to check in with my Tripawd family and let you know how I was doing and about some of the new friends I have found on Rainbow Bridge. There are so many! Sassy, Louie, Griffin, Ginger, Bob, Nellie, Hank, Kaiserin, Samson, Czar, Riot, Maya, and Mighty Max to name just a few. I know we are all missed, but as Happy Hannah taught me, if you close your eyes and think really hard with your heart we will always be together…

Bye for now and always remember, coming home is not a bad thing, it is a BEAUTIFUL thing!

Love to all,

Brownie Bubba Bell

I learned life’s most important lessons from a Dog.  A Dog named Brownie.

My Dear Beloved Brownie, I loved you yesterday, I love you today and I will love you ALWAYS!


6 Responses to “HI IT’S ME BROWNIE!”

  1. jerry Says:

    Ohhhhhh my gosh Brownie! You just shared THE most beautiful stories about life at the Rainbow Bridge! Thank you for reassuring us that all of our angel fur kids are there having the time of their angel lives …. furever!

    Nancy, this is such a special story. I can’t even begin to tell you. My eyes got all watery thinking of all our angels, and the way you put this together is unforgettable.

    On Brownie’s angelversary, this is the most beautiful gift to the community.

    Hard to believe it’s been three years. Your handsome boy’s spirit is still as strong as ever, and always lighting up our hearts every day.

    Much love to you on this angelversary, and always.

  2. Sally Holladay Says:

    This is such a heartwarming vision of The Rainbow Bridge Brownie has shared with us.

    I was riveted to every word as he so beautifully chronicled his arrival and then all the wonderful ways he has settled in.woth his extended family.

    Without a doubt, Brownie continues to live a life of purpose and meaning at the Beidge, just like he did in his earth clothes.

    This will be a go-to accounting of everything we need to know about the joy our dogs and cats experience at the Bridge.

    Brownie has brought us all so much comfort sharing what it’s like at The Rainvow Bridge and knowing how Happy all our Spirit Angels are

    Thank you for making your Angelversary an unforgettable gift to us all. You have touched us so deeply. And thank you for having Nancy help you type this. She is such a gift to us all….just like you♥️

    With a grateful heart♥️
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  3. Michelle Says:

    I can’t believe it’s been 3 years since you went to the Bridge Brownie. Thank you for sharing this vision of the Rainbow Bridge.

    It brought tears to my eyes to read about our friends and our loved ones up there at the Bridge.

    Thank you for sharing your Angelversary with us.

    Michelle Angel Sassy’s human

  4. Dobemom Says:

    Oh Nancy! I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to read this! So many of us believe in the Rainbow Bridge, but to have you describe it this way is priceless. I can’t believe it’s been 3 years since Brownie joined the gang up there; it’s even harder to believe it’s almost 6 years for my boy. Thank you for this….I will treasure it always! Much love,


  5. admin Says:

    Hoppy Angelversary! Thanks for checking in…

  6. Linda Esker Says:

    Sure doesn’t seem like 3 years already! Sounds like you have all our Angels hanging out there with you! You were an amazing Warrior and thank you for checking in although guessing there wasn’t a dry eye in the house after reading your Angelversary report. Thanks for reminding us all of the “more after”! ❤️❤️❤️

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