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5 Mar 2022

In Honor of Our Big Brother

Author: brownie1201 | Filed under: Uncategorized

   In Honor of Our Big Brother on His Two Year Angelversary…



Hi Brownie, I am sorry you got sick.  I tried to take care of you.  One day you left with mom and you didn’t come home.  I was very sad.  Mom told me that I now was the big brother.  Mom said one day we will all be together again.  I hope we can go to our favorite park.  And when we go swimming you will swim right next to me like you use to.  Thank you for always watching over me and keeping the mean dogs away from me at the park.  I was always so proud to call you my big brother!  Love Little Max.








Hi Brownie, this is Sassy.  I know we were never that close, but I am sorry you got sick.  I’m sorry I picked on you, but you had a smell I did not like.  But once you came home from surgery I didn’t smell it anymore.  When I would act up you always put me in my place.  Even though you never hurt me I deftinely got the message.  Don’t worry about Little Max.  I am not picking on him.  Your sister Sassy.

Hi Brownie.  This is your sister Kenzie.  Even though we never met I know all about you.  Mom talks about you all the time!  Mom saids you had the best manners of any dog she ever new.  Mom also saids I need to work on mine.  I am trying Brownie, but it is so hard!  Sometimes when mom talks about you water comes out of her eyes.  But I lick her face and that makes her smile.  Don’t worry about mom, I am taking care of her and keeping her very busy!  I hope you are having fun on the Bridge with old friends and new.

Love your spirit sister Kenzie.





















4 Responses to “In Honor of Our Big Brother”

  1. benny55 Says:

    Awww….melting my heart over here with these love letters to our Beloved Brownie♥️. And the pictures are just precious.
    I loved reading about the individual relationships Max and Sassy had with Brownie. Brownie really has been a protective big brother to Max and yes, even fiesty Sassy😎 It made me smile knowing how Brownie would take up for Max at the park. So you have any poctures of them swimming? I vet that was an adorable scene.
    And Brownie knew how to let Sassy be Sassy, but knew how to keep her in check if she got a bit too bold with him.
    It really was nice to see photos of Max and Sassy. He is so darn cute and Sassy is quite pretty and has her own unique look.
    And we have Miss Kenzie always being her photogenic self! And yes, she absolutely knows all about Brownie….because Brownie picked her out knowing she would keep you busy….and knowing you both needed each other!!!
    So glad everyone checked I with us. Brownie cert wand is….loved by all♥️♥️
    Love and light
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  2. paws120 Says:

    This is so beautiful. Nancy, you and Brownie along with the rest of the gang have touched so many hearts. I remember when Brownie led you to Kenzie and how hard it was to get her healthy, but you did it and I know Brownie is smiling from above.
    Sending tons of hugs and lots of love,
    Jackie and Huck

  3. jerry Says:

    I can’t think of a more beautiful way for the pups to salute their big brother. These love letters to Brownie are priceless!

    Even though he got his wings, there are still so many ways he is influencing Sassy, Max, and Kenzie. True love never dies, and only gets stronger over time. The kids are well looked after by their very own guardian angel.

    We sure miss your boy. Like you we think of him often, and are so grateful for the time we had together.

    Thinking of you on Brownie’s angelversary…xoxoxo

  4. dobemom Says:

    This made water come out of my eyes too! Such a sweet letter to brother Brownie…I can tell how much he was loved. Thinking of you as you remember your sweet boy.

    Paula and Warrior Angels Nitro and Kodi

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